Team Details

Entojutu > Funso Ayodele

Production Assistant

Funso Ayodele is a Production Assistant at Entojutu with years of experience in copywriting, videography, editing, and agricultural extension. He is also a farmer (crop and livestock) and has directly contributed to the cultivation of over 1,000 acres of arable farmland. Funso’s biggest career goal is to create the most efficient, eco-friendly, and organic farm estate in Africa. His hobbies include listening to music, travelling, and reading.

We promote a healthy and sustainable change through our concept of a basic circular economy, which is a solution for global warming, generating the most sustainable protein in the world, from organic waste and food waste.


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Km 20-21, Ibadan - Oyo Express Way, Iroko, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

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